Soft Skills

How to Speak Confidently

You are already ahead of 90% of the people if you can just communicate confidently and it’s not that difficult. But why do people still fall under that 90%? According to research, 60% of the people say they can’t speak confidently. They get shy and awkward during conversations. Among them, 90% of the people cannot communicate their thoughts properly. But research shows, in 2025, communication is one of the most important skills. It’s proven that if you get good at it, you attract good people in your life. Your relationship with people improves, you stand out from your peers, and more than that, you sound charismatic and you become much more confident.

When I started YouTube, I wasn’t this confident. To be honest, I had very low self-esteem. Whenever I used to communicate with someone, I didn’t know what to say. I used to feel like, “Oh, what should I say next?” But now, I think I’m different. I think I’m confident. I have sudden changes. I can talk to people, I can talk to cameras, and I have good relationships with people. And this happened because I started to communicate confidently.

So in this video, I’ll walk you through three steps that will help you speak like a pro. First, we’ll go through some of the beliefs that are holding you back from being better at communication. Second, we’ll go through how you can articulate your thoughts at any given moment when you’re talking to anyone, doing public speaking, or talking to cameras. How can you articulate your thoughts instantly? Third, and this is the most important one, we’ll go through the framework that will actually make you better at communication. The third one is the most important one.

Step 1: Limiting Beliefs

The first limiting belief is that we think we need to talk to a large number of people to become better at communication. Even we think we need to talk to thousands of people to become better at communication, and this is false. This is a limiting belief. This is not true. This is the main reason why we don’t start, why we don’t want to improve our communication, because we think we need to talk to many people to become better at communication. But that’s not true. You can become better at communication without even talking to 100 people, and that’s the same thing I did. I think I’m decent at communicating with anyone in front of cameras, in front of people, and this didn’t happen by talking to thousands of people. I didn’t even talk with 100 people.

So the limiting belief is that if I want to sound interesting, then I need to talk more. I need to express myself, I need to be extroverted, I need to laugh, I need to crack jokes, I need to be the loudest in the room. And that’s not true. I used to believe that the most interesting person in the room were the extroverts who talked more, cracked jokes, and made fun of others. And I used to think, “Oh, these guys are so charismatic.” But I was wrong. The most interesting person in the room is the one who listens to others, smiles, gets excited in small talks, and nods when someone is talking. So always remember that if you think you need to talk more to sound interesting, and that is holding you back from becoming interesting, then that’s wrong. If you want to become interesting, just listen. If you listen to someone, you’ll automatically become interesting to that person because you listened to their words. Don’t only listen. Smile whenever they are talking, and ask thoughtful questions. Get interested in their talk.

Step 2: Articulating Thoughts

Whenever you’re talking, you may have thousand different thoughts going through your mind, but when it comes down to saying that same thought that is in your head through your mouth, we mumble with our words. We say “um,” “uh,” “I don’t know what to say.” This all happens because we are very good at thinking but very bad at talking. So, in order to articulate your thoughts properly, the only thing you need to do is connect your mind and body together. You can do this by three steps:

  1. Connect your mind and body. From now, whenever you have any thoughts going in your mind, just don’t think, try to speak it. If you have 5 or 6 minutes of free time, just talk to yourself. Don’t only hold thoughts in your mind. Whatever thought is going in your mind, speak it out loud.
  2. Record yourself talking to a camera for 5 minutes every day. But remember, there is a correct and incorrect way to record yourself. The correct way is to speak in a charismatic manner. Don’t just talk in a monotone.
  3. Provide value to others. When you talk to anyone, think about how you can provide value to them, not just attract them. This helps you become more authentic and articulate.

Step 3: Charismatic Communication

Now, let’s go through eight points that will make you confident and charismatic when you talk to anyone. Whether that’s public speaking, camera confidence, or talking to someone in person, these will make you sound charismatic:

  • Face the person and speak with confidence. Don’t speak in a monotone. Be expressive.
  • Improve your pacing. Speed up when something is not important, and slow down when you want to emphasize something important.
  • Be loud, but not insanely loud. Speak with authority by raising your tone slightly.
  • Smile while talking. A smile makes you sound positive, trustworthy, and charismatic.
  • Be curious and listen. The most interesting person is the one who listens to others and asks thoughtful questions.
  • Think before you speak. Take pauses when necessary, and don’t rush to finish your thoughts.
  • End sentences in a low pitch to sound friendly and approachable.
  • Use hand gestures and facial expressions to enhance your communication.

Practice Makes Perfect

Until and unless you practice, it’s very hard to be better at communication. Practice makes perfect. I used to record 5-6 hours to film a video and get just 8 minutes of clips. It was tough, but I kept practicing. Now, I sound confident when I talk to cameras. If you’re willing to practice every day, you’ll become better at communication. Stick to one topic, talk about it for 5 minutes, and practice every single day.

Communication is one of the most important skills, and most people are bad at it. But if you can become good at it, you’ll achieve a lot in life. Don’t try to attract people, try to connect with them. The most interesting person in the room is the one who is most interested in others. Listen more than you talk, ask thoughtful questions, and be yourself. Practice, and you’ll improve.


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